Thursday, December 9, 2010

PLN 21

In the video “Changing Education Paradigms” by RSA Animate and Sir Ken Robinson he talks about how our education system is degrading and our kids aren’t relying on education as much as they maybe should.  One point made in the video was that millions of kids are forgetting the purpose of going to school and the system is “alienating” them.  Another point was that the current education is designed for a different time in the past.  The system is not progressing as it needs to.  I find this videos to be one of the most opinionated videos I have watched and I like the points Robinson is making.  This effects education because of the opinions and challenges that he gives them.  He believes we need educational reform.  This affects the world around us because kids are finding less of a purpose to go to school. This could decrease the progress being made.

PLN 19

In George Will’s “Lost in Electronica” he worries that the constant source of electronics are lowering our attention span and the time it takes for us to feel boredom.  He thinks this is especially true with boys.  I agree with him. The time it takes for me to get bored is slowly decreasing and I can feel it.  This effects education because school is sometimes the most boring thin in an adolescent boys life.  This effects the world around us because eventually boys’ “time it takes to be bored” will be almost nothing.

PLN 18

In “A Quarter is More Than a Fraction” by Karl Fisch he talks about how impoverished some of the countries in the world are and how much money we have.  his idea stated in his post was that we all should be considerate of the people who have less than us and give money no matter how small.  
I agree with Mr. Fisch because we all have more than these people and we all should be willing to give.  If we were in their situation we would want someone to care enough to give to us.  This applies to education because we are doing a toy drive at our school right now for a less fortunate school and we are a ways behind our goal.  It would be great if everyone could spend a little of their time and money to get these kids a toy.  this affects the world around us because it is almost Christmas and people are not thinking of others.